Monday, January 21, 2008

Weather and things

Well, I have one more day of enjoying the warmth of sunny Phoenix and then I head home to Virginia, where it's currently 23 degrees. It's about 57 here, so I know it's going to be an adjustment. One I'm not looking forward to either. Of course, I know most of the continent is having a serious deep freeze and will certainly not sympathize with my plight particularly since many places are considerably colder than my home town. I still dread the change. I'm not one for the cold. I would much prefer to be hot than cold, but since I don't live on the equator that isn't going to happen any time soon.

The media attention regarding the weather lately though has made me look at adding more weather elements to my writing. I'm sure a good freeze could really shake things up occasionally, or maybe a weather catastrophe could move a storyline along at some point. I haven't really used weather much in my writing, but I wonder if that's a mistake.

Without fail I check the daily temperature and forecast, why couldn't a character in my writing do the same? Perhaps that could change an entire day's plans. Or it could at least add to the environment. Maybe I've been missing some important descriptive information in my writing by leaving out the weather. Or maybe I'm just not a writer that writes about weather. If you are interested in that kind of thing, I highly recommend
Rachel Caine's Weather Warden series. I just completed the latest book and it was as wonderful as the preceding ones. And her heroine controls weather, so it's a big topic in the books. You wouldn't believe how compelling weather can be until you read her series.


BernardL said...

Fitting weather in descriptively works very well in some instances. Captivating an agent or publisher with weather would be a daunting task though. :)

Virginia Lady said...

Bernard, I suspect you are correct. I don't seem to be able to easily write it anyway, so I doubt it'll be a big detail in any of my books. Thanks for stopping by.