Friday, May 9, 2008

Quote of The Week

"The way you define yourself as a writer is that you write every time you have a free minute. If you didn't behave that way you would never do anything."

-John Irving


BernardL said...

Those spare moments get harder and harder to find some days. :)

Virginia Lady said...

I agree, Bernard, I definitely agree. But I still need to get the words out as I go through the day. I find myself scribbling on anything handy. If I don't, the stories in my head drive me crazy and I can't get anything else done.

Bernita said...

You know, I hate those claims of "You're not a Real Writer unless..."

Anonymous said...

John's a smart guy! And I hear ya on those scribbles. I needed something to write on at my granddaughter's baseball game, and couldn't find any paper! I grabbed a scrap of paper in the bottom of my daughter's bag. I carry a small notebook these days. lol.